Affiliates Program
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the Omaha Poker Training affiliates program?
- How do I become an affiliate?
- How much money will I earn?
- How do you track which customers I referred?
- What affiliate link do I use to make sure I get credit for referrals?
- How and when do I get my money?
- How can I keep track of how many clicks my links are getting?
What is the Omaha Poker Training affiliates program?
Our affiliates program allows you to earn money by referring your friends, family, co-workers, or anyone else to our site!
How do I become an affiliate?
All users of Omaha Poker Training are automatically affiliates. You can be either a paying member of OPT, or a free member, and still earn affiliate payouts. If you don't have an account yet, just click the "Start Training" button above to create a free account, and then you'll be able to access your affiliate links.
How much money will I earn?
You earn a 20% commission on every person you refer to us who signs up for a paying membership. This 20% is earned for as long as they stay a member. For example, if a new user signs up for a monthly membership, you earn a 20% commission on every monthly membership payment they make.
How do you track which customers I referred?
A personal link, matched to your username, allows us to identify which customers you referred. Whenever a customer visits our site using your link, it is credited to your affiliate account. Additionally, we store a cookie on their computer, allowing us to credit you properly if they sign up for an account any time in the first 30 days after visiting our site using your link.
What affiliate link do I use to make sure I get credit for referrals?
Your personal affiliate is shown in the box below (be sure to log in first):
Simply copy this link and paste it into an email to your friends, or even post it to facebook, twitter, a poker forum, etc. Advanced users can visit their My Affiliate Links page for additional text links that you can use on your website, in your blog, etc. Please contact us for banner ads.
How and when do I get my money?
Payouts are made by paypal. Click the "My Payout Info" button to select your preferred paypal email address. Your commissions are eligible to be cashed out 30 days after a new customer uses your link and makes a payment.
*** Please note that you need a minimum of $50 in your affiliate account to be eligible for a cashout. ***
How can I keep track of how many clicks my links are getting?
Press the "Clickthroughs" button and you'll be able to track the dates and times of all clickthroughs, as shown in the picture below:

Starting with the last column entitled "All/Unique Clicks", we can see that the user above has had a total of 19 clickthroughs. These clicks were from 15 unique users (in other words, some users clicked the link more than once -- we use IP addresses to track this).
To see the exact dates and times of these clickthroughs, you can click on the numbers in the last column. For example, if this user clicked on the 19 shown in blue above, they would see the exact dates and times of these clickthroughs, AND which site was the source of the click. This is useful if you post the same link to several social media sites, to see which is being the most effective.
These 19 clickthroughs generated a total of 3 sales, earning this affiliate a total commission of $103. It's that easy!